Price list - BRONZE

Our priority suppliers

Purchase of clothing & accessories

In order to obtain our decoration services, all your garments must be purchased* via Id pro for all our priority suppliers (see list above).
This is to simplify the ordering process with suppliers and to be more efficient.

*Except for special projects

You have several advantages to order your clothes directly from Id Pro:

– All costs related to errors & breakage during production are covered (clothing & printing)
– Management of your orders (management of inventory shortages, communications with suppliers)
– Access to key suppliers with no shipping, handling or minimum purchase fees
– Possibility to match suppliers on the same order
– One bill for all your services


If the item is not available from one of our suppliers, the handling fee will be $0.69/item.
Items supplied by the customer are not guaranteed in the event of breakage or error.

Id Pro will take over the job or find a satisfactory solution  in the event of a production error.
However, in the event of  production failure no refund or rework will be offered.

Production error  All errors that differ from the approved visual (wrong color, wrong positioning, etc.)

Production faults  Normal abnormalities that can occur in production. (Burnt garment, shifted printing, non-uniform color, broken needles)

Rest assured, the rate of anomalies is 1%.
If the exact amount is required, please provide an additional 2% per size.